Fighting the COVID-19 with CABA
Chinese American BioMedical Association (CABA) would like to help our local communities to fight the COVID-19 pandemic. CABA has already donated thousands of masks to local hospitals in Boston. And now we would like to expand the call for all CABA members to provide additional support by helping with individual donations as well. The hospitals are currently in critical needs before abundant supplies from the governments’ channels become available. Therefore, we ask for donations ASAP in order to purchase more additional protection equipment for our local health workers.
在过去的一周里, CABA已经向波士顿的一些社区医院捐赠了数千个医用口罩。捐赠过程中, 我们了解到社区医院的医护人员因防护物资极度缺乏,正暴露在巨大的感染危险中。截至3月26日,单单麻省总医院、brigham and women's以及塔夫茨医疗中心就有100多名一线的医护人员确诊。鉴于情况紧急,CABA执行委员会决定在全协会会员网络内扩大募捐。我们号召大家一起伸出援手,助力身边的医疗人员共同抗击COVID-19。目前协会已经对接好防护物资的可靠货源及接收医院。我们承诺所有捐款将100%用于购买防护物资并将快速送到急需的一线医疗人员手中。
Please kindly send your donations by PayPal at “ and note “CABA fight COVID-19” and select “payment for families and friends”. Any amount will be helpful and appreciated. Rest assured your donations will put into the right place to fight the pandemic and save lives in this critical moment. We will publish the detailed records of all the donations and their usages.
捐款方式:请通过PayPal将捐款发送到“”,并注明“ CABA fight COVID-19”,请选择 “payment for families and friends” 以免除手续费。CABA是501C(3)非营利组织,所有捐款都可抵税。我们将向捐款者发布所有捐赠和用途的详细记录。
Thank you for your support!!